Tuesday, March 5, 2013

5 Ways to Use Twitter to Tackle the Learning Curve

By Twitter [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Starting a new job with a new company?
Get assigned to a new area?

You probably have a lot to learn in a short amount of time if you want to be successful.

Here are some suggestions for using Twitter to tackle the learning curve:

1. Create a professional Twitter account if you don't have a Twitter account or only have a personal account.

Keep your professional Twitter account professional.  Don't tweet anything you wouldn't want your boss or your mother to read.  Then you won't have to worry about whether you sent a tweet from the wrong account.

2. Find industry-related hashtags (keywords that begin with #).

Most industries have their own hashtags.  Search for tweets with these hashtags to find tweets to help you learn more about your job.  Use these hashtags when you tweet to join the conversation.

3. Follow leaders in your industry.

Find out who the leaders are if you don't know already.  Follow them.  Also follow bloggers and journalists in your field to stay informed with the latest developments in your field.

4. Participate in industry-related chats.

Often there are industry-related chats you can join once you begin following leaders and hashtags.  This is a great way to learn and network.

5. Reply to industry leaders' tweets if you have questions or something to contribute.

It's okay to be a part of the conversation if you have something important to say.  Leaders in your Twitter network may give you valuable information to which you otherwise would not have access.

For more information on Social Media, check out the Texas Social Media Research Institute.

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